(English Class)- Transportation
Let's knew about transportation.
Motorcycle, Scooter, Bicycle, Airplane...ect. 今日讓我們來認識"交通工具"
Take the BUS. 搭公車
Drive the TAIX 開計程車
Fly the AIRPLANE. 開飛機
Do you know where these trucks park? 你知道,卡車停在哪裡呢?
The buses are in the bus park. 我知道公車停在公車亭
The car is in a garage. 汽車停在車庫
Ride and Drive 騎與開
Bigger and Smaller ; Faster and Slower 較大與較小 ; 較快的與較慢的
The motorcycle is bigger and faster than the bicyle.
The bicycle is the slowest in the transportations.