(English Class) - Preposition
Where is the ~ ?
In / On / In front of / Behind / Between / Next to
它在哪裡呢? 它在....
Now we are going to take out the box then show you " in / on / in front of / behind / between / next to "
現在我們要拿出箱子來知道一下....什麼是, 在 裡面/上面/前面/後面/中間/旁邊
Follow the teacher, look me~ On , In 跟著老師比一比 上面 / 裡面
The monkey is UNDER the chair. 猴子在椅子下面
The monkey is IN FRONT OF the box. 猴子在箱子的前面
The monkey is BEHIND the box. 猴子在箱子的後面
The monkey is IN the box. 猴子在箱子裡面
The monkey is BETWEEN the chair and the box. 猴子在椅子和箱子的中間
Monica is BETWEEN Sunny and George. Monica在Sunny和George的中間
Alex is NEXT TO Denny. Alex在Denny的旁邊