(Rehearsal) - 排練花絮
Dancing 跳舞囉!!!!
Follow teacher 跟著老師一起
Here we go!!!!!! 開始
Shaking hard!!! 用力認真的搖擺唄 ~
(English Class) - Places to visit
Where can we go at the weekend? 我們週末可以去哪裡呢?
We threw the puppet on the flash card. PUPPET丟到哪裡就是哪裡
Say it~ " Temple" 寺廟
Circus 看馬戲團
Harbor 海港
Castle 城堡
Oops!!! One more time ^________^ 喔~~嘿嘿~~ 再來一次吧!!!
We can go the temple at the weekend. 週末我可以去寺廟
We can go to the museum. 我們可以去博物館
We can go to the department store. 我們可以去百貨公司
We can go to the park. 我們可以去公園
Where are you going? 你要去哪裡呢?
I am going to the library. 我要去圖書館