(English Class) - Air & Water transportation
Last time, we knew some land transportation, today we are going to learn some air and water transportations.
It's a parasail. It moves in the air. 天上飛的划帆傘
We called it "hang glider". 這個我們叫它 滑翔翼
The helicopter is normal to see. 常見的直升機
This is one "seaplane". Can it fly in the sea? 這個很酷哦...可以在水上滑翔的"水上飛機"
What do boats need to move? 船隻們需要什麼東西才能動呢?
This boat needs paddles to move. 船需要 船槳
This boat does, too. 是啊!!! 這個空氣船也是呦~
But this one needs oars to move. 這個木頭做的也是另一種特別的船漿
Did you see this boat before? 你以前看過這種船嗎?
All right!!! During Dragon Boat Festival, we saw it. 有啦~~ 端午划龍舟賽嗎??!!!