(Reading Class) - Road Hog
Watch out all road signs, driver!!!! It's very important for all you and us.
Look out ~ Watch out~ Be careful!!!!!! The car is coming!!!!!!!!!
You see me, Road Hog likes to go too fast >//<
你們看我, (飆速中)
Fast is fun but it's really DANGEROUS !!!!!
逞一時之快可是很危險的吔!!! 不可以哦~
We are racing in a motor racetrack. 我們還是在合法的賽車場競賽比較安全呦!!!!
Winner, I am a super driver. 耶~~勝利者
Stop, here!!!! Road Hog doesn't see traffic lights.
Oh~ NONONO!!!!! Yelling~~~~ ( 尖叫 )
Police Dog is here. What happened? Is Somewhere on fire?!
警察叔叔前來關心....哪裡失火了嗎? (車子拋錨~~冒煙中了)
(Review & Read) - 複習與朗讀
He hits the brake~~
I'm passed by Cow~~