(English Class)- The numbers
Can you order the numbers?
<數與量> 先學會把數字的順序排列正確
Who can put them right faster? One,two,three~ Go!!!!
How many foods can you get?
I got four. 我得到4個
I got nine. 我有九個....
Now, we are going to get our own foods.
Here we go~~~ 快快快!!! 請夾出正確的數量 7 : 6
Oh~~ No!!! Can't touch your food with hands.
哦~~遊戲規則是不可以用手碰啦 >//<
Circle ones are hard to pinch.
哎唷喂~~圓形的這個最難夾了!!!! (汗)
Now, I am much better. 現在我可是越夾越穩了ㄋㄟ (沉住氣~~) YA!!!!
We are super team. 這下換到"超級"二人組
We both can pinch the faster and the most.
我倆快很準....拍拍手YA~~~~ (快數數看,你得到幾個)