(Spelling practice) - 單字練習
Today we are going to scan all over the cards we learned
Passing the card and reading 藉由字卡的傳遞與唸讀,是不是更有印象了呢?
L-e-g-s 張大嘴型,很好~~~ L-E-G-S
Wait a second, let me take a look!!! 等等呦...讓我再看清楚一下....S-H-I-P
Now we practice by ourselves. 小朋友們,將自己所拿到字卡確認及複習一次
Don't forget all we have to know. 別忘記了,這都是我們教過的唷!!!!
After all of them, we exchanged the cards with partner and review.
互動時間 - 二人一組,互相交換字卡並一起練習單字