(Reading Class) - At the carnival
It's my first happy experience at the carnival.
Let's go reading this fun story!!!
這是我第一次在園遊會開心的經驗, 快來讀這則故事是講了哪些好玩的遊樂趣事....
Do you know what are we playing?
It's "Merry - go- round " 是旋轉木馬啦~
Dear passengers, have you fasten the seat belt yet? The roller coaster is about to moving.
乘客們,你們已經繫上安全帶了嗎? 雲霄飛車即啟動了唷~~~
Wow~ 哇口阿~~~~
What an exciting riding!!!! 真是太刺激了
After all, we review the reading again.
Review some words in the story.
The opposite word, to connect to right item.