(English Class)- Around the world 環遊世界
Take a look the map, we can see many lands here.
You should take the tain, boat even airplane to each one.
What country is it? 咦...這個會是哪個國家呢?
Spain 哦~這個是西班牙!!??
Q & A Practice: 英文會話練習
Where are you from? 你是來自於哪個國家呢?
I am from _______.
Which country will you go? 你將來想到哪個國家呢?
Which country do we see koalas? 哪個國家我們看得到無尾熊呢?
What's flag for? 這面國旗代表哪一國呢?
Which country can we see Tour Eiffel? 到哪一國我們看到艾菲爾鐵塔?
Which country do we visit famous Great Wall? 到哪一國我們可一遊著名的萬里長城呢?