(English Class) - The pets 寵物
Today we are talking about the pet.
Do you have any pet at home?
The bird, it can be home pet.
小鳥, 可以當家裡寵物
ㄜ~~~It's a "FROG".
Is it can be home pet?
青蛙呢? 牠可以當寵物嗎?
I like puppy and kitten. 我喜歡小小狗和小小貓...牠們可以是我們的寵物喔!!!
They can be our pet.
= Q and A = 句型練習
Do you have a pet? 你有寵物嗎?
Yes, I do. 有喔!!!
Where is your gold fish? 你的金魚在哪裡呢?
It lives in the aquarium. 牠住在水族箱裡
My turtle lives in the aquarium, too. 我的烏龜也是哦!!!!