Hurry up!!! It's almost late for school. 趕快...我快到要遲到了啦!!
Safety first. 安全第一
Lady, are you over eighteen years old? 小姐你滿十八歲了嗎?
I have already got my driver's license. 我可是已經拿到我的汽車駕照了呦!!!
Hey man...You hasn't got a helmet. 咦...你沒戴安全帽ㄋㄟ!
I am nice diver. Be safe and drive slowly. 我是位模範駕駛員. 一切安全慢行為上策
Hi, Lady. You look new driver. 這小姐看起來是新手上路
That's right. Appreciate your forgive. 沒錯啦~ 請多多包涵囉!!
The cyclist should wear helmet and ride on special road . 自行車者也應該要戴安全帽並騎行在專用道路上喔!
Hey ....guy. You should be on the farm. The street of city is really dangerous for oxen.
嘿...你應該是出現在農莊才對吧!! 城市大街對牛來說實在太危險了
Oh my goodness!!! A traffic jam. 塞車中
Something happened. 某事發生了
A traffic accident. 發生車禍了啦
The policeman has came to deal with the car accident. 警察前往現場處理中
Everything is doing fine. 一切都順利了
I hope we are all safe and well on way home every day. 我希望我們每天都能平安快樂的回家