It's time for Santa Claus Story. 聖誕老公公的故事時間
I'm waiting for the Santa will come with his reindeer and seld to send the gifts to me.
I wish I could get a bear to sleep with me. 我希望我能得到一隻熊熊和我一同睡覺
I wish I could eat popcorn with Santa. 我希望我能和聖誕老人一起吃爆米花
Who might bring the gifts for you, Eric? 誰有可能會送禮物給你呢, Eric?
But.....I can't find the "Father". 咦...怎麼沒有爸爸的圖卡咧!
What is next to the fireplace? 有什麼東西是位在火爐旁邊呢?
The gingerbread and .... 薑餅人和...
reindeer 麋鹿
I know the children love gifts so much. 小孩們就是如此愛禮物呀!!!
Before Christmas Day, teacher just can give you baby cards. All of you are super kids!!!!