(English Class)-What do they eat? & Daytime and Nighttime animals
Today we had got much knowledge.
<<動物的食物>> &<<晝與夜的動物>> 今天對小小動物又多了一層認識....
The seal eats the fish. 海獅吃魚魚
The dogs eats the bone. 小狗吃骨頭
The horse eats some hay. 馬兒吃乾草
The squirrle eats the acorns. 松鼠吃果子
The monkey eats the banans. 猴子吃香蕉
Nighttime Animals, they usually appear at night. 夜間動物,牠們通常都在夜晚時出現哦...
What are the daytime Animals? 白天出現的動物又是什麼呢?
Let me think!!! What do they eat? 讓我看看.....牠們喜歡吃什麼呢?
A match 遊戲配對
Let's go~~ Who finished the first? 誰會最先完成動物配對呢?
I am done with mine. 我完成我的囉~~~
Ya!!! I'm DONE!!!!! 耶~~~ HAVE FUN!!!