Who is noisy? Is the time for crazy? Oh~ NO!!! We are reading the story about "Too Noisy".
是誰在吵鬧啊?? 瘋狂時刻來臨了嗎?? 喔,不是這樣迪 今日故事名為"太吵鬧"哩~~~~
One step then two step....Let me tell you a story.
The second story about "Silly Willy". Do you know why Willy is silly?
第二本故事則名叫"呆呆的Willy" 你知道他有多呆瓜嗎? 趕快跟我們一起進入故事吧~
Ha....I got a little bit stuck. Never mind, keep going, you can do it better, teacher said.
= " = (咳咳!! 唸得稍稍卡住....) 別急別急,沉住氣......你可以更好的,Good boy, Eric.
After reading, Derren gave himself to read and totally forgot break time.
幾乎忘記要的書蟲Darren還在想著剛剛那個"Too noisy" 口合哈哈 ^o^
I read it carefully to teacher. It's fun to read for me.
I am fond of reading in English. Happy reading and happy enjoyment.
After reading, teacher gave us special suprise. Everyone looks dumbstruck.
It's you, Anna!!!! They were watching video movie.
It's time for mini theather. Watching movie and learning English.
小小獎勵,迷你電影院,有沒有很 special Y!!! 看電影學英文
Brainstorm time. Let's learn geometric figure with Math Box.
Finish them in the correct position.
And I can make use of material in a different combination.
Recognize the numbers. More or Less ?
It's not only Math box but also Wise box.
What have you learned today?
There is no limit to knowledge. I love learning. I love Sunshine
數學教具盒也是我們的慧智百寶箱唷!! 今日你學到了什麼呢? 學無止盡,我愛學習我愛陽光美語