(English Class)- Transportation 交通運輸
The airplane is flying in the sky. 飛機在天空中飛行
It's a helicopoter. HAHA~ 是直升機耶~
This is a car. 這是一台汽車
That is a car. 那也是一台車子
This is an ambulance. 喔一喔一,這是一輛救護車
Which transportation is working on the ocean? The boats
有什麼東西是在海洋上行駛的呢? 大船和小船
The bike, I want a bike. 我想要一台腳踏車
The car, my father can drive the car. 我的爸爸會開車車
The train, I like playing the train. 我喜歡玩火車...噗噗~七恰七恰~
(體能互動)- Rolling and throwing
Have FUN with basketball !!!!!!! It's good to play. 籃球真是太好玩了啦 >N<