Morning story~ The story is talking about "Mr. Alligator works in the department store"
晨間故事~今日故事講的是有關鱷魚先生前往百貨公司時發生了一些驚奇之事喔!! @@ 什麼鱷魚先生是要去上班不是去Shopping....???
After the story, we started to color our "Aa " ~ "Alligator"~
With your creativity to finish a colorful coloring.
開始盡情運用我們的創意來為Mr. Alligator 穿上五彩繽紛的彩衣吧!!!
It's fun to learn and color with Mr. Alligator.
與Mr. Alligator 一起有趣的學習和畫畫 :)
It's time for break.
下課!!! 喔~ YA~
Take a nice picture
Dear parents, I like school life a lot.
It's time to cook in the Strawberry Kitchen.
I am a great car driver.
Aaaa, Suuny, where are you going? Do you come with me?
蛤~Sunny,你要去哪裡呀? 要不要跟我一起來呀!!!!
Oh~Sorry, George. I'm in hurry!!! I'm gonna ride my scooter.
喔~不好意思ㄟGeorge~ 我正趕路中, 我先離開了.....呼咻~~~~~~BYE!!!