(English Class)- Desert Animals
What can we see in the desert?
Today we are going to the desert.
Lizard 蜥蝪
It has got a long tongue. 蚚蝪有著長長的舌頭
Snakes do, too.
Bobcats beat the heat.
Peccary beat the heat.
Foxes beat the heat, too.
The Owl, it usually come out at night.
The tortoise
And the spider, they like in the desert.
Wow~ It's different kind of rabbit. We call it "Jackrabbit".
啊~這個TRABBIT不太一樣耶 @@ 這種兔子,我們稱牠"長耳大野兔"
In the desert, we can see all of them.
沙漠裡還真有許多不常見的動物ㄋㄟ~ 耐高溫,牠們最厲害了!!!!!