Hi~ I'm Anthea. Today is my third birthday
Let's sing the Birthday song to Anthea!!!
Are you ready? Go!!!!! Happy Birthday to you~~ Happy Birthday to you~~~
準備好了嗎? 要開始為璿安唱生日快樂歌嚕~
Make three wishes 1.2.3 HAPPY
Oh No!!! My Lightning Mcqueen 閃電麥坤
Thank you, teacher Amanda It 's a birthday gift!!!! ya~
謝謝Tr. Amanda的生日禮物耶~
Thanks my dear Mum and Dad. You always give me a lot of love.
It's yummy cake!!!!!!! I'm really happy today.
好可口的蛋糕~~~好吃!!! 今天真的很開心喔!!