Do you know all of these fruits? Let's say English and buy some fruits!!!!
小朋友,知道這些水果的英文怎麼說嗎? 讓我們一同說英文買水果吧!!
Who knows, what is this?
Star fruit 楊桃 It looks like a star. 因為切片後,看起來像一枚小星星喔~ 所以才叫"star" fruit嗎?
Pineapple 鳳梨 It tastes sour and sweet. 嚐起來酸酸甜甜的好滋味
Guava芭樂 It cantains high Vitamin C. 它含有很高的維它命C呦~ Good!!!
Tangerian tastes sour and also contains high Vitamin C
Apple蘋果...I like apple because it looks like my cheecks. 我喜歡蘋果了, 因為蘋果就好像是我紅紅的小臉頰
Mango芒果 I like to eat mango ice in summer. 夏天時,我喜歡吃芒果冰
Summer is coming soon....Kiwi makes us be whiten, teacher said.
夏天快來了~ 老師說,多吃奇異果還可以美白ㄛ!!!
Litchi 荔枝 The sweet litchi is good to eat. 甜滋滋的荔枝好好吃喔!!!
I want a star fruit becasue I like little star. Hahaha 我要一個楊桃,因為我喜歡小星星...嘻嘻~
Green apple is smaller than red apple but it's more nutritious than red apple.
I like litchi becasuse it looks like grapes. 我喜歡荔枝因為它看起來看葡萄ya~~
Pineapple means ^Good Luck^!!!
>OO< 鳳梨象徵好運旺旺來ㄋㄟ
Wax apple.....It's juicy~ 水份多的蓮霧,好吃!!!
How about "melon" ? It's juicy, too. I like it. 哈密瓜也是果汁多多呀~ 我喜歡!!!
It smells bad, we called it " durian" ㄜ~ 聞起來臭臭的"榴槤".....嗚~
Let's play "host and guest" 我們一起來玩老闆與客人買賣水果的遊戲吧~
Who needs some fruits?
How much does it cost? 老闆荔枝怎麼賣咧?
The price is not important. Our fruits are organic and top quality. Welcom to Sunshine Fruit Stall~
價錢不重要,我們的水果全是有機高級品呦~ 歡迎你來選購!!!!