The phonics is important for spelling and speaking, so we must review it everyday.
Today we got to review Long and Short vowels "A-E-I-O-U".
英文的自然發音課對於英文單字 拼音與說 是那樣的重要囉...所以我們一定要每天複習唷!!!!
Short A (A - and - have - man ) ; Long A ( made - save - ate - cute)
Short E ( fell - head - air - mess ) ; Long E ( Be - bee - Lee - eat )
Short I ( it - sick - this - will ) ; Long I ( I - fine - Mike - mine )
Short O ( cop - top - on - tall ) ; Long O ( home - hope - joke - rode )
Short U ( of - the - was - some ) ; Long U ( cute - Duke - to - too )
Are you ready? Let's review them again!!!!
準備好了沒呀? 再一起複習一次吧~~~~~