The most children love "Christmas Day". That's why? Let's enter today's story.
大部份的小孩們都好愛"聖誔節"的到來耶!!! 是為什麼咧? 讓我們進入今天的 Weekly Story~~~
看看聖誔節的故事裡,告訴了我們些什麼......Let's go with Santa!!!!!
(P1) What a surprising happening!!!!! 是發生了什麼令人感到驚訝的事呢!!! 讓我們繼續看下去吧....
(P2) 咦....The Santa is coming with his reindeers on Christams Eve.
(( The game of the dice )) 骰子遊戲
Step 1 --> Read and remember all the words. 要先記住所有老師教過的字卡喔!!!
Step 2 : Rolling the dice 擲骰子
Step3: Say the number you rolled 唸出擲出的Number
Step4: Read the flash card the same number you rolled
All right!!!! Let's play it.
" Stair" and "Cat"
Playing the dice is different fun, I think we should learn much happily!!!!
I got number four~~ It's "sled"!!!! 嘻.......
The number five is "Telephone"
YA!!!! It's my turn. One Two...Three~
Hahaha......I like this game. May I roll twice?
OK, It's Two...."Santa"
Number one ~~~~Number one~~~~ It's "Present".
I rolled the number two. It's "candles".