How many songs have you remembered? 你已經記住幾首歌了呢?
Today we went over all of the songs for these days. 今天就再重溫一下,這幾天以來我們所學的英文歌曲吧~
At first, thanks Laura, she was glad to lead us the songs.
After the review, everyone chose the song you like the most.
Zeo--> [ We All Live Together ]
Eric --> [ Happy Monsters ]
Shona and Laura they are together [ Sing a Happy Song ]
二人組女孩,將一同合唱[ Sing a Happy Song ],還配上三角鐵及手搖鈴來表現這首歌曲的輕鬆愉快
The end, the girls, they chose their [ Happy Birthday ] for all of you.
最後就由三位可愛的女孩以熱鬧的樂器,來獻上[Happy Birthday]給在場的同學老師們以完美的Ending作為結束唷!!!