(Science & English)
PART I : We are talking about the life of a plant. 今天討論有關植物的一生
How many do you know about the plant? 你們對植物認識有多少呢?
From a tiny seed to be a fruit, they need to pass for a long time.
We are going to know about plant, it's the "flower"
It's the "leaf", most plants have leaves. 也有葉子
They are "roots", they are under ground. 埋藏在地底下的根
We love and eat them, when the plants grown up. 長大後,長出我們都愛吃的水果~Yummy~
PART II , touch your face. 我們臉蛋
We have a "nose". 鼻子
They are eyebrows. 眉毛
It's hair. Touch and feel it. It's smooth. 再摸摸看,柔順的頭髮
It's my hair, it's shorter. 我也有頭髮,但是短髮 >m<
Touch your cheecks!!!! 可愛的臉頰
The nose~ 我的小小鼻子
The forehead~ 前額
Let's review in the break time!!!!!!! Yapeeeeeee~