(English Class) - Face and Me
The ears, touch your ears...One and Two ~ Ears
The chin, Under the your mouth
The lips...啾啾...
Stand Up, all guys!!!! Let's play stamp game.
I want the " forehead"
The nose....
The cheeks....
The lips...
Hahaha....Come on, teacher....Next one is ~
(益智童書) - GOOD TRY
數一數,貼一貼....我們利用書本的附件也來動手試試看....自己貼上大蘋果哦!!!! 老師說我: VERY GOOD
(顏色與水果) - 你說我丟,看誰比較厲害吧!!!!
Red strawberries
Blue cherries and red cherries
Yapeee!!!!! Can you do it? 耶比~~ 你會嗎?
(生活認知) - 乾與溼
什麼是"乾"什麼是"溼"~ Look, 擤鼻涕的衛生紙是乾的,擦屁屁的溼紙巾是溼的
(廁所禮貌)-Bathroom Manner
不然~~~~~~~~~將可能發生這樣美麗的誤會 @@
啊~你要做什麼啦~ >///< "老" "師" ~~~~~~~~ SOS 鳴~~~~~~~~~~
好啦 ~ 上完廁所後,別忘了輕輕把門關上唷 !!!!
(身體保健) - 我會自己來....
Action 1
Action2 (雖有點難度...別生氣,你一定可以的,因為我都會ㄟ)
Action 3 捍衛與保健 成功!!!!
我說啊~自己戴口罩是不是很簡單ㄋㄟ EASY FOR ME!!!!!!!