(English Class) - Review
Do you remember before we learned about "Past Simple" ?
Today we are going to review with game.
Hop and say the verb in Past.
還記得之前我們所學過有關動詞"簡單過去式"嗎? 今天我們藉由遊戲,再來回顧一下吧!!!
draw --> drew
Yesterday I drew a picture.
have --> had
Before I had a teddy bear.
Listen, dears!!! I think you know all of them in past.
Could we read it perfectly?
孩子們,請注意....相信你們對Past simple已經很熟悉了,再一起把它們完整地唸一次吧!!
Your chance, dears~ I want to know who missed one of them? Go ahead~~ Do the best!!!!
輪到同學的表現嚕...讓我看看誰 >///< 腦筋卡住啦!!! gogogo~
(Work sheets) - Exercise
Let's make our own jigsaw
Cut down each part 先將每個小部分依序剪下
Order all the scraps of papper then finish your jigsaw~ Yapee!!!
排序吧~ 很快的,你的拼圖就要完成了呦!!! YA~
The puzzle works~ Find your enterance, you'll go to exit.
迷宫遊戲~ 找出對的入口,順利走出迷宫 >N<
(Review and read )
The phonics books..."ee"" ea" "o_e"
Do you remember the rules of veowl and consonant ?
先跟著老師Quick skip, 複習Phonics的子.母音基本規則....
If you have known the phonics, you could read much easier.
子.母音巧妙融合運用之後,很多生字還真的難不倒我嘿 ^__________^