(Science Class) - Seeds and Plants
Do you know when the seed grows up, it will grow the leaves and flowers ?
The small seed and bigger seed 小小的種子和較大的種子
Becasue the seeds are different, they are different way to grow.
We are growing, my stem goes up , up , up.... 向上掙脫,長出新芽嫰葉來了吔!!
Look!!!! They have got leaves. 你看看...是綠葉耶 YAYA!!!
This leave is bigger and hairy. 這片葉子比較大點,上面還有細毛
The tiny seed is growing up and being bigger....
植物的進化>>> 自小小的籽籽慢慢的長大變成更大的....
A life of the plant~
The Seed ---> grow up --> stem / root --> leaf --> flower
種子在土裡 掙脫>長大發芽>長出了根.莖>長出了葉子>再開出漂亮的花兒
Wow~~~ 像是這樣嗎?
Don't forget to water the plants.
別忘了要幫植物澆水唷 ^____^
If the plants don't get wate, air and sun, it will die.
如果植物沒有充分的 水.空氣 還有陽光,他就活不了了呢 (鳴~~~)
Let's review and Q&A time!!!! 植物的生長,有沒有比較有概念了呢? 複習完開始進行Q&A互動囉~~