(English Class) - Tools
Today we are going to talk about the "tools".
What are the tools? For example, measure the length, we use a measuring tape.
今天的主題我們要討論有關"工具" ~
咦!! 有哪些工具呢? 例如,測量長度時,我們使用捲尺
Who knows how to measure with this?
Teacher, like me " Stretch Out "
誰知道如何使用捲尺呢? Teacher,像是我這樣嗎? 口合 ~~~~"啪"
No,No, >////<
Let me show you, guys~
We should pull out the measuring tape to be straight like this.
就讓我來示範給大家看吧!!! 像這樣,應該把捲尺拉直呦 ^__^
Oh~ YA!!! Yapee!!! How many lengths are we?
耶 ~~ 我們有多長咧!!??
The measuring tape also can measure our height.
The hammar is one of the tools. You can build something with it. It's a good helper.
另個工具來到了,鐵槌~~ 鐵槌在建造東西時,可是我們的重要工具ㄋ!!!
What else the tool?
Do you want to know?
Screwdriver, hammar, scissors and plier ....etc
還有其它的工具嗎, Zoe?
你想要知道嗎? 就由我一一告訴你以下有,螺絲起子.鐵槌.剪刀還有鉗子 ^___________^