(English & Science )
Today we are going to learn the flowers and fruits.
今天認識了花與水果哦!!! 他們都是植物嗎??!!
Yes, they are plants. But they are different kind of flowers and fruits.
沒錯!!! 他們是植物,但是他們來自於不同種類的植物呦!!!
I saw the flowers got leaves. 我看到的花都有葉子喔~~
Look, this flower is the same color with my shirt.
We call this "Sunflower". 我們叫它"太陽花"
We call this kind of flower is "Daisy" 這種花我們稱它為"雛菊花"
Most flowers smell good, as rose. I like rose the most.
This is "lilly" flower. Does lilly smell good? 這個是百合花~也會香香的嗎?
Now, let me tell you some fruits. 現在,換我來告訴你一些水果囉 >M<
The fruits have seeds. I got the cherries. 水果有籽籽..
This is a pomegranate. It's good for female.
這個石榴,老師說,女生多吃會變漂亮吔!!! 石榴剖開也可看見很多籽籽吔~
Hi~ Are you ready to learn with me? 嗨~ 你們準備好要跟我一起學習了嗎?
Whatever, flowers or fruits, how many do you know? 不管是花或水果,你們知道多少呢?