(English Class )- What do you look like?
I am tall / short / fat / thin.....etc. Today we are talking about appearance.
What does he look like? He is tall. 他看起來像是? 他是高的
He is not thin. 他不是瘦的哦!!!
He is fat. 那就是胖的囉!!???
Let's start the question and answer. 開始練習Q&A
What does she look like? She is old. 她看起來像是? 老的
She is young. 她是年輕的
He is strong. 他是強壯的
She is ugly. 她是醜的
She is beautiful. 她是漂亮的
She is cute. 她是可愛的
He is thin. 他是瘦的
Who can you tell me, what does Oscar look like? He is tall.
誰能告訴我~ Oscar是? 他是高的喔!!!!
How about this boy? He is fat....like a balloon~
看看這個男孩吧? 他是...(吹氣球) 是 月半 的啦!!!
It's too heavy. He is weak. 好重唷~~~ 他是虛弱的
No!!!!!! I am strong!!!!!!!! Oh~ My goodness!!!!!!!! 不是的啦......我是~~強壯的呦 ^_________^