(English Class)-Review
It's the bathroom. 廁所 / 洗手間
Sink and faucet 水槽 和 水龍頭
Turn on the faucet and wash the hands. 打開水龍頭洗洗手
The toilet 馬桶
Flush the toilet after we used. 使用完馬桶要沖水
The urinal 小便斗
The urinal is male only. 男生專用的小便斗
Let's throw the dice!!! 擲骰子
Two dots 丟到兩點
Move the dinosaur to the picture of television. 恐龍前進到~電視
<Ball pool>
It's ball pool. 球池
It's a slide. 溜滑梯
<School bus>
It's my turn~~~ The school bus. 換我了 校車