(Science Class)- How do the parts work ?
The children, do you know how to make something work?
They should have important parts to help.
小朋友,你們知道如何使一些東西運作呢? 主要是,它們需要一些外力的配合才能順利運作哦~
One hold matches one buckle
像是火車,環環相扣著相互牽動後,整列火車才能夠移動~ 對了,這跟上堂課教的 推與拉 好像也有些關係吔!!!
當然要使火車"動"還包括重要的因素,如:"能源"囉!!! 有機會Teacher再告訴你們唷!!!
Connect them together if it should work now.
開始試試看....結合在一起後,驗證一下結論~ 藉由第一節車子牽動(拉引)後面的數個車子....移動了^_____^
The remote control needs the batteries then begins working.
To prove it ~ The air conditioner is working.
試看看....嘿嘿~~~ 冷氣開始運作了唷^_____^
How about the tennis??
It doesn't need the batteries but it needs other pushing. That's why the ball is bounced.
那網球呢? 它雖然不需要電池....但它需要雙方的互動或外力才能夠"動"起來喔^_____^