(Scinence Class)- Light and Shadow
Objects look different in light and in dark.
今天的自然探索主題來到<光與影子>, 小朋友,你知道嗎? 物體在明亮與暗處時,看起來不一樣喔~
With a torch in dark, you can see the shadow, like this
Hand shadow~ It's an eagle.
影子遊戲開始~ 老鷹
Do you know the shadow will become bigger or smaller when the distance between an object.
你知道影子會變大變小嗎? 原來是光距與物體間互影響而使得影子變大變小
We put something behind the clothes through the light , you can see the shadow.
It's a little girl. 原來是小女孩啦 ^____^
Can you guess what it is? 猜猜看這是什麼呀?
It's a water bottle, do you get it? 厚厚厚~ 你猜對了嗎? 是水瓶囉~
Next 接著...
It's a cup. 是茶杯
Today's science that had much fun and interesting. 今天的自然課好玩又有趣吔