Let's sing and play!!!!!!!! 唱唱歌玩遊戲哦!!!!
Hello~ 哈囉 (小朋友~注意了, Teacher 準備要放音樂了唷!!1)
"Musical Chair"
Walk around~ around ~ around 唱唱歌.繞圈圈
When the music stop, we should sit on the chair.
Be careful and listen to the music~
The music is stop. 音樂~停了止
Round Two~ 第二合回,開始~
Oh~~ Darren missed the chair. 哎唷!!! 出局了
One again!!!! Who will be next miss? 看看下一位出局的人會是誰呢?
One two three~ Go!!!!!
Two only 剩下二位了 (緊張)
Ya~ I am Chair King!!!!!!! ^___^ 今天的獲勝者~ 是我啦!!!!