(English Class)- The animals
We talked about animal family. "動物一家",讓我們一起來說說看牠們可愛的特徵
How about the cow? 吽吽吽~~我班出現了好多乳牛吔 ~~
Now we are going to play the hammar game.
It's a dice. we throw it then get the number. 擲骰子,看數字是多少
The duck walk to its flash card 然後小鴨鴨才前進到圖卡
Let's go!!! 開始來囉....
Oh!!! It's THREE. 口合哈哈...三點
It's my turn. 呼呼,輪到我了~來到二點
Throw it. 拋~~~
It got the number FIVE. 我是五點
What's this? This is a goat. (回答問題嚕!!!)
Which ones live on the farm or sea? 有哪些是住在農場或是海洋裡?
How many animals do you know? 你知道幾個動物呢?
What is your favorite pet? 哪個動物是你最喜歡的寵物呢?
今天要特別再謝謝Jeremy's mama 跟大家分享弟弟的滿月蛋糕
祝 弟弟(宥廷Yoyo)平安快樂長大呦!!!