The numbers~~~ We can count One to Ten.
Banana Three....One Two Three 香蕉三
Toy car Six....One Two Three Four Five Six 車車六
It's our turn. Two ducks 小鴨二
數到二,我會比二~~~~ 耶!!!
The number three. 這是數字三
One banana, two bananas, three bananas 一.二.三 共有三根香蕉
Number four The boat Four 小船四
Four boats 四艘小船出海去
Number Six 數字六
There are six Yo-Yo 共有六個遛遛球
The seven 七
One two three four five six seven
The donut Eight 甜甜圈八
Pick up the number eight 我會找出字卡八
The snail Nine 蝸牛九
I can count to nine. 我會自己數到九
Oh YA!!!! The end....TEN 呀呼~ 終於十
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Today it's our Number's Day!!!!! YA!!!! 今天的英文數數課...成功!!!!