(Give Me Five in English-Mini Play)
This lesson is going to tell us about the stranger. What does the stranger mean?
"The strangers" mean the people we don't know and we CANNOT talk or play with them.
(英文演練活動)Let's begin~
When we met the strangers, they tried being close to you.
Call your family or friends right now
Remember it, call 110 for policeman / 119 for fireman
或者是,直撥打人民安全電話....「110」 , 火災時 「119」
When you go out, keep holding your mother's hand.
當你出門時,要記得牽著媽媽的手,別跟丟了 >nn<
Don't talk to stranger!!!
When the stranger gave you food, don't take it.
不吃陌生人的食物.......>< 好危險耶!!!!
Anytime, the police office is open, you ask the police for help.
任何時間, 警察局為你服務,有遇到壞人時可以求救我們偉大的警察北北
That's right!!!! Or the policewoman, all of them are our family, they alway protect nice people, like you and me.
對了, 還有警察阿姨唷~~ 他們就是我們的家人,總是守護著好人,就像是你和我....