(English Class--> Clothes for each part )
Today teacher told us about the usual clothes. 今天老師為我們紹介每種常見的「服飾」
Let's see it for rainy. We put on the rain hat. 雨天時,我們需要戴上雨帽
It's a underpants
The underpant is for you and me. 內褲是給每一個人, 因為大家都需要穿上它呀!!!
The hat in summer is needed. The cap is for boys, the hat is for girls.
The trousers are for the girl or boy.
But the skirt is only for the girls. The T-shirt is for the boy.
但是裙子只能給女生穿唷 >M< 那麼男生就穿T恤好了 ><
The raincoat is for rainy bear. The trainers are for running boy. The beautiful dress is for the girls.
雨衣給在雨天的小熊 運動鞋給要跑步的男孩 漂亮的洋裝就給女孩們吧!!!!!