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 Hi, everybody tries to know thier English name.

各位小朋友 我們來練習認識自己的英文名字好不好啊!!!!

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Today we want to read the story of D.W. Saves the day

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This is our living room.  Please come in.

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Wow~We are working hard.   What are you doing?


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Wow~ It's called "hits the mole", Teacher said the word then I hit hard to the word.

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We all love this BIG story book very much although we read it yesterday.

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ㄟ~你一糰我一糰的是什麼啊? 配合"年"味是要做紅面龜嗎???

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 What are we going to do?  Let's go reading!!!! Dear Mum and Dad, please give us some claps~

今天要上什麼呢????哇老師要帶我們一起讀繪本喔!!!!天阿 大家掌聲鼓勵一下~~~~

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In Sunshine School we learned a lot of English, we can listen, speak, read and wrtie.

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Dear Mum and Dad, from last week we all were happy with our new semester.

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Today teacher taught us about the primary colors of paint.  We also can call it, the magic mixed-colors.

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哇呼~它是好吃的棉花糖嗎? 摸摸看沒有黏黏的ㄋ

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YA!! Happy field trip in Huashan 1914 Creative Park.

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Wow~好想要那對可愛的白蘿蔔ㄛ.....Super mini cute!!!!                                                                                                                              

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Who is noisy?  Is the time for crazy?  Oh~ NO!!! We are reading the story about "Too Noisy".

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習俗中,以年年有「」取其諧音, 營造出年年有「」的吉兆 ,為今年討個豐饒富庶綽綽有餘

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We inspire before the class.  English makes us be energetic.

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